It’s no secret that people with better credit scores pay significantly less for basic needs – housing, insurance, auto loans, credit cards and employment. That’s right; your credit score determines how much you will pay. Over time, negative credit will rob you of the ability to save for retirement.
If you want to know exactly how much a credit score affects your payment, let’s take a look at two friends, Henry and Delores. During their lifetime, each led parallel lives in the things they purchased and the income they made. Neither has ever been rejected for a loan or turned down for a credit card. But here the similarities end.
Because more of Deloras’s paycheck went to lenders, she had less money available for other goals: vacations, 2nd home, college savings programs and retirement.
In fact, if Deloras had been able to invest the extra money she paid in interest instead of giving it to the banks and credit card companies, her savings might have grown by a whopping 3 million dollars by the time she was 70.