Negotiating Credit Card Debt Just Got A Whole Lot Easier Debt collection issues can be challenging. You don't have to face them alone. Our resources can help you understand how debt collection works and what your rights are.
5 sample letters to send debt collectors - Need more information
- Do not owe the debt
- Want the creditor to stop contacting you while you dispute the debt
- Only want the collector to contact you through a lawyer
- Want to specify how you want the debt collector to contact you
Wondering how you can respond to debt collectors is there for you!
What we do for you: - Force Communication to an Attorney
- Track Statute of Limitations
- Make Offers & Counter Offers
- Improve Your Credit
FCD serves as a smart solution to help people settle their debts. Our innovative debt timing software tracks the state and Federal time limits (Statute f Limitation) in which creditors may seek legal action against you to collect a debt.
DIY Debt Settlement Software We promote a DIY (do-it-yourself) approach to resolving your credit issues. Stay in control and SAVE thousands of dollars fin fees and expenses.
Attorney Referral Network FCD software links with a network of licensed consumer law attorney's. When you retain an attorney to represent you, you force communication away from the consumer (YOU) and to your attorney. Forcing the conversation to an attorney often brings about great settlements.
Don't hire a debt settlement company that will likely steal your money and leave you more exposed to legal action!